Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Together with Davines, we will save the world!

Yesterday I went to the Davines show "Hair on Stage", held at Central St Martins, London. It was pretty darn great. Thanks bosses!

I've recently changed work places to a much more eco friendly approach to hairdressing and I am lovin it! Sorry to bring it all to light but so many companies out there don't respect our planet and the animals that roam here along side us. As soon as it came to light about the awful things that ANY company in the Chinese market have to test on animals I became uneasy about using them and I subconsciously started to stray away from most companies in my toiletries that don't give back to the planet in some way.

Davines put together an amazing evening showcasing work from the UK finalists for the World Style Contest, also Blue Tit, Allilon and the Davines Creative Director, Angelo Seminara, it was insane! I've never seen hair like it. There were also The Crafts, a collection of mixed artists and talent in which you could watch productions. I did try to take some photos but not very many came out good (thank goodness for that photography a level-time well spent.) 

Although all the hair was fabulous, I learned a few tips and tricks and colour formular, met some cool people; the part I most appreciated was Davines devotion to the environment.



Most of their products are vegan, with exception to
-Mask colour,Mask bleaching powder
and Alchemic because these all contain milk proteins.
-Natural Tech Reconstraiction Miracle and Hair Building Pak and Melu serum contain keratin.
-Defining Texturizer also contains cashmere and silk extracts.
Davines has also stated on their website that they are all happy farmed, no ones hurt or killed for their goods.

"To offset the environmental impact, Davines has been using renewable electric energy from natural sources - such as sun, wind, water and soil - to supply its plants and offices since 2006.
These inexhaustible sources of energy do not release CO2, they do not pollute and are constantly renewed."
Fabulous. Thanks for being so cool, Davines. Keep up the good work.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Southsea Coffee Co


By 'eck this is a sandwich and a half. Literally, I could only eat half. It was great though cause I got to experience it again for dinner that night (I always get things wrapped for future Nay!) 

It's packed full of avocado, beets and  seeds; alllllll those delishy super foods. Beets, like all red fruit and veg, are good for your skin, which is what I struggle with, So I try and get loads of these in. (Funny cause my problem is redness so you solve that with red foods, duh). And obviously the seeds are good for fibre which can be a struggle sometimes in a vegan diet.  

The venue is great to, lots of plants hanging everywhere and a wall of a black board for kids (and adults) to draw on. There's also a little bit I like to sit at right at the back with lots of cushions. The staff there are so friendly and knowledgable, I always feel so welcome and at come, which is nice for a coffee shop in Portsmouth, normally they're pretty cold. 
Obviously the name is a bit of a give away that the place is actually a coffee house. This is embarrassing but wherever I get coffee I usually get an iced latte, with soy, obviously. And decaf. I cringe when I order it, but it's my fave! I don't get any eye roll here at Southsea Coffee Company like do at other places when I place my pretentious order. So anyway, they're range of coffee is great too. 

If you do end up going here make sure you get some cake too! Any one, they're all great! 

63, Osbourne Road, Southsea.