Monday, 24 August 2015

Vegan peanut butter cups

Yum. Keep 'em in the freezer to keep the "chocolate" crunchy. 

coconut oil : cacao powder : nut butter 
and a massive dollop of agave syrup (2 tbsp)

Softly melt the coconut oil (I've also seen variations where people have used cacao butter). I tend to boil water in a small sauce pan and measure out my coconut oil in a glass pyrex jug, the jug being only a little smaller than the saucepan so I can melt the oil like you would chocolate, by putting the whole jug in the water in the saucepan. 

Once that has all melted slowly add in the cacao powder and stir the whole time (you can take the jug out of the water, the oil will stay melted for a while. Then add the agave.

Pour half the mix into cases, freeze to set. After 10 minutes, blob some nut butter in the centre and flatten out then cover the butter with the rest of the mixture. Freeze for a further 10 minutes. 


I hope soon to add these on top of some of Mums vegan brownies... more to follow soon.

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